Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

The holiday bring families together I hope that you all are happy and in good health. I hear the pattering of little dogs in my house and of course Bud's panting while playing with them

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Sleep Over

Last night Jewel stayed over night while her home was getting worked on. Batman has the spirit of loving and Robyn keep company for awhile the dogs moved around several time during the night. I woke up with Bud and Batman in bed with me. Robyn sleep with Jewel. Dog like to have other pack members for company. Peace with dogs in the house. I love it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

My Face Is Red, I'm Not Smart As Thought Was

When you love your dog you try to take care of them as best you can. I never knew about Mast Cell cancer until Jetta had a bump that turned red over time.I have only had female dogs before Bud. I never thought I would get along with a male dog. Bud is a lover boy and I am in love with him. Recently I noticed a spot on his belly that worried me because of Jetta had a Mast Cell cancer. So I brought him to see his vet Arron Schecter at Atascdero Pet Hospital. When our vet looked at him he was very serous and he said that the spot I was so worried was a nipple. A NIPPLE. I couldn't believe it. I said that I thought males had two nipples, then he said no, they have  nipples. He did say that this nipple was low. Then another vet came in to see Buds low nipple. My face was red. Who knew. So now I know!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Love Happy Endings

Shown here are Mike and Collen from Kansas with their dog Hiedi  The couple save this sweet girl and you can see how loving they are to their dog. Heidi we think is Lab-Aktia mix. She has a beautiful life with them. Hiedi stole my heart with her soft kisses.

Although the American Akita’s lineage began in the Tohoku region of Japan, it was Helen Keller who first brought a dog classified as an Akita breed to the United States. In 1937 the dog was presented to her as a gift. Unfortunately the first Akita named Kamikaze-go died of distemper months after its arrival. The Japanese government then presented her with an official gift of another Akita named Kenzan-go. Soon after World War II there were many Akitas that could be located in the United States due to servicemen who brought the Akitas home with them. The traditional Japanese Akita over the years has evolved into a separate breed and now has a separate designation from the ones originating from Japan- which are presently known as the American Akita.
The Akita is docile, intelligent, courageous and fearless. Careful and very affectionate with its family. Sometimes spontaneous, it needs a firm, confident, consistent  pack leader. Without it, the dog will be very willful and may become very aggressive to other dogs and animals. It needs firm training as a puppy. The objective in training this dog is to achieve a pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined. You and all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. That is the only way your relationship can be a success. If the dog is allowed to believe he is the leader over the humans he may become very food-possessive as he tells the humans to wait their turn. He eats first. Considered a first-class guard dog in Japan, Japanese mothers would often leave their children in the family Akita's care. They are extremely loyal and thrive on firm leadership from their handlers. They should definitely be supervised with other household pets and children. Although the breed may tolerate and be good with children from his own family, if you do not teach this dog he is below all humans in the pack order he may not accept other children and if teased, Akitas may bite. Children must be taught to display leadership qualities and at the same time respect the dog. With the right type of owner, the proper amount of daily mental and physical exercise and firm training, they can make a fine pet. Obedience training requires patience, as these dogs tend to get bored quickly. The Akita needs to be with its family. It vocalizes with many interesting sounds, but it is not an excessive barker.
Height, Weight
Height: Males 26 - 28 inches (66 - 71 cm)   Females 24 - 26 inches (61 - 66 cm)
Weight: Males 75 - 120 pounds (34 - 54 kg) Females 75 - 110 pounds (34 - 50 kg)
Health Problems
Prone to hip dysplasia, both hypothyroid and autoimmune thyroiditis, immune diseases like VKH and Pemphigus, skin problems like SA and eyes (PRA, Micro, entropion) patella and other problems with the knee.
Living Conditions
The Akita will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is moderately active indoors and will do best with a large yard.
The Akita needs moderate but regular exercise to stay in shape. It should be taken for long daily walks.
Life Expectancy
About 10-12 years
Litter Size
3 - 12 puppies, average 7 or 8
The coarse, stiff, short-haired coat needs significant grooming. Brush with a firm bristle brush, and bathe only when absolutely necessary as bathing removes the natural waterproofing of the coat. This breed sheds heavily twice a year.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cosin Holly At Spash

Jetta's cousin Holly is nine and she has arthritis starting in her legs and hips. Holly gets two walks a day and she is still very ball obsessed. Holly used to swim with Bud in Moro Bay but stopped wanting to get in the water so I called Chris at Splash to give my early X-mass gift to Marlyn, her owner. Jetta loved swimming in the warm water. Swimming keeps muscle mass in old dogs from getting weaker.  Holly love to spend time with Bud so he got in the water too. Holly had a great time, The water temperature is 86 degrees. I would love to swim there myself. Chris's pool helps many dog live active lives. Bud used this pool for two long rehabs. The first after his elbow surgery and again after his knee surgery, We love Chris she is wonderful and very knowledgeable about dog issues.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bud wants to be a GYN

Bud plays with Robyn all 7 pounds of her and he finds very interesting aromas. He is doing what dogs do nothing sexual.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Buds New Toy

Buddy loves his orange toy for the water retrieving. In past at the bay while Bud was swimming towards the tennis ball Four times seagulls stole the ball and flew away with it yes 4 times. I could hardly believe it.  The seagulls were watching and then they flew when the ball was flung at the beat Bud to the ball. Bud swam and swam around in wide circles looking for the ball. I said Naughty Birds!  This toy is heavier and hopefully the darn birds will leave it alone. Bud love his new toy, he plays like a puppy.