Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sweet Dreams

Bud has a great life with me. Bud makes people smile all the time when they watch him in action. This picture was taken years ago but I came across it today looking for blog topics, and I had to share it. This morning he made 23 kids smile while I swam at Cal Poly. He stops traffic. Most every day where ever we go folks take his picture. He know every morning when
watches me do some exercises on the floor in my bedroom and he gets next to me and rubs his body as if too make me hurry so we can go to our beach sooner. He is very persuasive. I love living with this dog. He makes my life full of love and gratitude. Thank you God for creating this perfect lover of a dog.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I Fall In Love With Every Dog I Work With

When I first met Marley a 10 year old Chihuaha I knew she was a little mixed up about her life as a dog because her life was one of a baby. Well meaning and very loving owner Slyvia didn't know dog how to social her dog. Marley was very challenging for a while until I worked with clicker training with her and Bud helped show how to be a dog. The first time I walked her at the walkway where Bud swims I had to drag her. She was not happy at all. When Sylvia started taking her on walks she was a happy girl, and pic of me over her kissing her shows how much trust she has. . 

Marley Has A Change Of Heart

Look at Marley the 10 old dog who has not too affectionate with Bud for a long time.Bud was afraid of her.  Look now she is so into him. She used to have 2 small dogs when she was a pup lick her ears. Now she asked Bud to lick her ears. She is not going be around for awhile because of her mom Sylvia is going out of the area for a bit. We miss her. Marley has changed so much when she 2 months ago came to my in Sylvia's arm and she shook and growled at Bud and wouldn't even look at me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Too Much Fun On Her Job

Shown here is a day in the life on one of my helpers. Syvlia  on this day had to wade in the water to get Bud's toy because he found a ball and didn't want to swim for his toy so I yelled down as a joke to her that she would be fired if she let his new toy drift away. I love her and I thought she knew my sense of humor!  The day was fun for all. That's the one of the reason to play with your dog on a regular basis because you never really know what's going to happen. And that's another to read my first book. Jetta's Journey.  US HUMANS NEED TO LAUGH AT OURSELVES MORE!