Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Story Of A Skye Terrier

 Ricky Lee was left tied up on porch on a 20 acre ranch in the foothills of Atascadero the other day. Her owner left a note saying that her name was Ricky Lee and she was neutered and microchips.
This adorable little dog was a stray. Her story happens way too many times to sweet cute dogs. All I know about her is that she was picked up as a stray in Simi Valley and has been neutered and micro chipped. Some how she was lost again and a person tied her up to a friends porch who lives in a 20 acre desolate ranch in the foot hills of Atascadero with her information and that is it. The owner of the ranch luckily came home before dark because of the critters on the property bob cats mountain loins country etc. This cutie wight 15 pounds and is a very smart dog. Her former name was Ricky Lee, I am naming her Grace for amazing grace. She has many issues. I am working with her the best I can.

 She a great time at the beach she sniffed and rolled on the stinky seaweed and sniffed and rolled and ran around in circles.
This dog is getting to me. We have our work cut out for ourselves don't we Gracie?
I hope soon to help this lost-throw-away-dog find a perfect home. She would do great in alithy and performing tricks like sit up, roll over play dead. I am working on this girl.This dog is very smart in less than a week she knows "Go to your bed'', "Boundary" Go to your crate,"Sit'" Down" " Play dead". She plays like a big dog, at the beach she rolls and rolls and rools, She comes when I click.She is very food motivated.Nobody taught this dog how to play. She goes nuts when she sees a bike or other dogs..........Gracie is so much more relaxed and happy. She is a very good dog. All she needs is some time and work to help her to have a very happy life.

Bud is bored by the whole thing, but okay with her being in the house.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Air Bud

Bud loves to play, he would play all day like Labs often do even when they should stop! This shot was of today his third play time. It's up to me to keep tract of the times he goes for the ball. This play session was almost over. Mom knows best!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bud's Bath Time Fun

 Shown in the pics is an ever day reason for Bud to have some Towel- Game fun. Bud plays with me our favorite post bath time game. Dogs are creatures of habit, and I guess I am too. Each day Bud get's so muddy and dirty than he has to be hosed off twice a day.  I missed out of all the fun for 6 weeks are my toe surgery. One of the reasons to have a dog is the knowledge that our dogs love us so much that we are only too happy to spoil them a little or alot for some of us. My payoff is in that sloppy kiss. I can't get enough of dog kisses. I am grateful to be able to share in the fun.

Monday, December 7, 2015

December Bud

 You see Bud at the bay, last weekend, he does not care if it's sunny or cold. He is happy to be a water dog. I missed watching him play when I was home-bound after my surgery. What a goof ball. Folks love to watch him at play. My motto is look at our beautiful dogs having fun and I get a warm feeling in my heart! You guys watch your dogs they are happy in the moment, no worries!  

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day, 2015

                                                           Thanksgiving day

My first day walking again after my long confinement of six weeks in bed. All of my leg muscles are showing signs of atrophy. I spent my day out of bed, with help from a caregiver. We managed to get the turkey in the oven ( it will be yummy! ). The pies are cooling, and I am excited to spend the evening with friends. Below are photos of myself and Bud. I am blessed to have a life with love in it, So to everyone I know and love, I am so thankful for you and everyone who loves me, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Coping With Confiment

I am finding that I am very much happier when I am active. But now that I have 2 more weeks to go I am mostly doing things that I NEVER do like watching a lot of TV in the day time. I always like to be outside for a big part of my day. And only watch TV for a few hours in  the evening, after being active all day and my brain is shutting down the TV comes on before I go to bed.
So today to cope with my confinement I followed my loving dog on his afternoon romp. Usually I have him on leash, today I held the camera. Here's a sample of his afternoon romp. While I am house bound my friend and neighbor takes Bud in the early am to romp. Bud is a lucky dog and I am grateful for my helpers and Bud lovers to keep my boy fit. I LOVE my play times with Bud. I will have my life back soon with a better foot thanks to a great surgeon, Dr Sima. Thanks to my people in my life who care enough to take their time. Thanks to everyone who makes my life happy and mostly thanks to Bud. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bud My Therapy Dog

I had toe surgery 3 weeks ago and have not been able to walk on my right foot so my life has been very different. Normally I take Bud to the beach each early am for play time. One of my good friends each am comes over to get Bud to play at his beach and I can't thank my freind enough for helping Bud exercise. I am not able to be walking now and I have to wait for one of my helpers to come to get my day going. I am getting bored of laying around but I am doing what the doctor wants me to do which do nothing.
My birthday is here once again and am grateful for my good health and white hair on my head. At least I have hair, I tell myself.
My boy Bud keeps me smiling. Shown here doing what he does best. The cream cheese frosting was Bud's treat today.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Scarf Bud

Bud knows that summer is over and he wants to be ready for winter. Labs are originally from Newfoundland.  were the temperate is cold. The Labs are meant to swim in icy water. The fishermen used these dog to be with them in their boat and to swim to retrieve their fish nets. The dogs used their strong chest to break ice in the water.
Some how I don't think Bud would want to swim in that cold of water. He loves swimming in the bay where there never ice. Thankfully I say. I would not to live in cold, cold climate.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Bud & Bella Tug A War

When Bella comes to our house Bud perks up and plays with her no stop.  Most days the dogs play and play and play. Bud bites her head and she bites his neck and usually
when I get the camera out they stop playing but I did get a shot of them play tug a war. Bud gives up most every time because he is a polite dog and has manners.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Clicker Training 101 With Bella

I think clicker training is a lot fun especially when your dog love food. Way back when Jetta was still a puppy we went to our first clicker class together and Jetta would droll some much I had to bring a towel for her face and the floor. With Bud he is motivated by food and the ball. Bella is easy to train because she is motivate by food and toy.The purpose of clicker training is conditioning. The dog knows that the sound of the clicker means a reward.When I told Holly, her mom about this training she bought more clickers because we both are working with Bella on training that is positive.The sound gets their attention. The best part of the training is that the dog and owner have fun and that helps with bonding. So Bella is one lucky girl she has people who love her and the time spend is all fun and who doesn't want to have more fun?

Shown here are the pics for the last training 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Lily's Big Adventure

Recently Lily scared us so much when she went missing! Holly, her owner went nuts and I don't blame her. Lily is one cute dog and so small that she would be picked up easily by anybody because she is so friendly. I called the sheriff and Holly's family came to help to search for her because the night was coming soon and Lily was nowhere to be found. What do you when you loose your dog. The unknown is horrible! Twice I lost sight of Jetta in the daytime and I was crazy with worry. Both times she was searching the neighborhood for food, because she was always hungry. A true Lab! So the good news is that Lily has gone off on her own before and Casey, Holly's daughter found her. If I was as tiny as Lily, less than 10 pounds, I would be scared if I wondered away from home. Not Lily she doesn't care, when she is on a mission her nose is to the ground and she just keeps walking. Lily is a mix of Yorkie and Shitzu she is a confident little dog. The last photo below is Lily with her big sister Andie a St. Bernard/Great Pyreneese mix. Lily thinks she is as big as Andie.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Bad Bella (Pup Home Alone)

The other day I had to leave Bella our new pack member home alone for several hours. When I can back, I was shocked that Bella, had an adventure exploring my house. In my haste to leave I left some medication on the kitchen table. I was worried that she may have eating something to make her sick. When I looked I found that she only ate one pill that was not harmful. Of course, I called the vet and made sure. Then I was surprised that some how she got on the kitchen counter top and ate half of Bud's kibble. I know this because she had mud on her paws from digging and finding sticks.Then I looked in my shower and saw a stick and muddy paw prints! I told myself, It's so great to have a puppy in the house again.
Since we don't know Bella's history, I can only guess why she does not like yelling and reacts when she thinks she maybe harmed, I hope nobody hit her. She is a very sweet, smart dog. She learns fast. In another blog I will tell about my training with her, It's so nice to a female Lab around. But I love, love, love Bud. Bella was being a three year old Lab, She is a good girl.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bella's Sleep Over

Bella, my helpers new dog is 3 yrs and Holly let her come over to spend time with us at our home. Bella loves to go outside and do a lap around the whole yard. She goes out the doggie door in the front room and walks on the side walk all around the house and come in and and out to keep her from boredom. After the 500 th lap I took her on a scooter run and she was a little confused at first but then had fun. Shown here is later on when both dogs where hanging out .
I have worked with her on "Boundary " as you see both dogs ave been told to stay out of the kitchen. What great dogs. Labs are so smart.........I like the energy of a female Lab. Bella gives soft kisses and Bud shares his toys. I LOVE THE COMPANY OF DOGS!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bud's Fun Party

The day of the party was warm and all the dogs got along and Bud played like a pup.  The dogs ran for the balls and really loved their cake which was meatloaf with mashed potatoes for frosting. The dogs were happy to be at a party. The dog owner loved watching

our dog having fun. The day after he was tired.