Ricky Lee was left tied up on porch on a 20 acre ranch in the foothills of Atascadero the other day. Her owner left a note saying that her name was Ricky Lee and she was neutered and microchips.
This adorable little dog was a stray. Her story happens way too many times to sweet cute dogs. All I know about her is that she was picked up as a stray in Simi Valley and has been neutered and micro chipped. Some how she was lost again and a person tied her up to a friends porch who lives in a 20 acre desolate ranch in the foot hills of Atascadero with her information and that is it. The owner of the ranch luckily came home before dark because of the critters on the property bob cats mountain loins country etc. This cutie wight 15 pounds and is a very smart dog. Her former name was Ricky Lee, I am naming her Grace for amazing grace. She has many issues. I am working with her the best I can.
She a great time at the beach she sniffed and rolled on the stinky seaweed and sniffed and rolled and ran around in circles.
This dog is getting to me. We have our work cut out for ourselves don't we Gracie?
I hope soon to help this lost-throw-away-dog find a perfect home. She would do great in alithy and performing tricks like sit up, roll over play dead. I am working on this girl.This dog is very smart in less than a week she knows "Go to your bed'', "Boundary" Go to your crate,"Sit'" Down" " Play dead". She plays like a big dog, at the beach she rolls and rolls and rools, She comes when I click.She is very food motivated.Nobody taught this dog how to play. She goes nuts when she sees a bike or other dogs..........Gracie is so much more relaxed and happy. She is a very good dog. All she needs is some time and work to help her to have a very happy life.
Bud is bored by the whole thing, but okay with her being in the house.