Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year

My new years plan is to be in my cozy home with my dog Bruiser. The future is unknow I live it. My attiude depends on what I think about, dream about, pray about. So far all my needs are meet. I try to be a good friend to poeple who keep going. My village,the poeple who are in my life as, cargivers, friends, loved ones. I find myself once again without enough caregivers. I can and will keep looking for 2 good women to joing my pack. I will run anyother criag list ad. My dog is a big part of my joy of living, my exercise and friends bring me happiness. Have a safe New Year

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Happy Holidays

I have been blessed with my good friends Elisa and Phil.They treat like family. We went to mass on chritmas Eve church. My folks had a baby who lived 48 hrs. His name was Joesph. God gives reminders of his love for me
in every day live. Sadly my family has not been around. Many years ago my best friend Marilyn Roberts gave me Angel statues for my special days. Elisa took over the role years ago when Marilyn past away. I share some of my collection. I need many angels to keep me safe. My pups have been my guardin angels all the time.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Open Letter To Metta My Best Dog Trainer Friend

Dear Metta, Bruiser is so awsume. He helps me every day that he was trained for. His energy is amazing. His menory is sharp. He knows when he gets his treats. If I forget he finds me and then he leads the way to the cupboard,the sits and looks at me. Every day after dinner he waits for our cuddle time. Then he braces me to the sofa. I am still affected my left bicep tear. When I am on the ground he gets worries so I rub his chest until help comes. He lets me know when my yard guy comes. He wants to climb in to my lap. He does not like the vacumm clearer. He goes into his crate like a good boy. He broke out 2 crates and now he bent a bar in a heavy duty crate. Now I close the door to the garge. When I come back he runs in circles and runs to see me. Then all is well in his world. He loves all folks we meet. He loves his dog friends he is so good with puppies and babies. He is the best runner next to my scooter on leash and off leash that I ever had. Metta, I love him and I will never for the training you taught me. I miss you, much love and doggie kisses, Denise and good boy

Friday, November 25, 2022

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day 2022

Early am Phil took the dogs to play. Later the am Gracie got to meet the young pup Mokka. All dogs played in the yard, Bruiser was in dog heaven. Mike is cooking the turkey I am so grareful for good folks who offerd to clean up the mess after we have dinner dinner. So i am blessed with good friends and sweet dogs. have a safe hoilday with much love.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Birthday Party for Bruiser and Me

Gloria, Elisa and Phil.I love my friends. they are family to me. i am so blessed. Tawaya go a cake friday. I ate cake and ice cake friday, sat,sun monday. For the first the i am sick of cake! I love cake. I will wanting cake next. Dogs had doggie cake and doggie ice cream and they all gobbled up. It was too much fun.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Brusier LOVES Mr Bear

Sweet Bruiser loves Mr Bear. he carries him around all the time and he uses him as pillow. Sometimes he forgets hw much he loves him and then he rips he apart. Mr Bear is missing an ear. And some stuffing. Dr Elisa has performed surery on poor Mr Bear four times. It's a dog thing!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Sweetest Dream With My Boy

I have been blessed to have my dog Bruiser living with me for about six months,I have known him and loved him for one year. Mette, my dog trainer drove down from Eureka so she could evaulate us as team.For five years he was pamperd, and adored. Metta saw him on Facebook
and she knew that i was needing a dog. I was doing what my dog trainer told me to do. Bruiser is a delite to be around. He is amaxing. He is very althetic, he goes all day if i let him. He would love to kiss every on he meets. LLde0qVHW0MdzkRku45EVWFy7Cd-4IV2o5E74eUmaXlvDw8X0pbXG-L4vkqZFpuuqPzWch-0i0hlYlezOAjXqzPFUOLRpnPBNFLKSWkS5xhsW4_ElwU5QONNrMynpAjyqjPkWXmkNaxqCZwpO20KafnkY-/s720/received_3087_2825_16284449960001%20%281%29.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; ">
Before we meet, I dedided, when my next dog came into my life he or she would not be allowed on my bed. The dog hair gets everywhere, he was not allowed on my new funiture. I have alot of good dog beds. I love clean house and good smelling house. I always make that my house smell great. The one thing I didn't think about was what is the best for the dog. Bruiser slept on the funiture,with his family. He was Prince Bruce. When Mette my wounder smartest dog trainer - mentor, teacher, long turn 25 year freind. Well all my plans changed. I decided to not keep my plans for no dog on the bed when i didn't want to upset him any more that his life was differnt with me. he is not pefect with his, seperations aneixty issue for his past. His first onwers never left him alone. I and Metta have worked hard on problem, he is very much better. He goes for 3 hr with trouble this is amazing. After working with him for 6 months he goes into the crate and waits with his cong with p-nut butter in it until i come home 2 - 3 hours later. He runs around with the cong with the p-nut butter and then eats the p-nut butter when I'm home. He now he waits until cover is on the sofa, of course until he is ivitied to join me. Two years ago I bought a beautful white and silver bed spread. I cover that with old sheet, before his gets on the bed I spray Lauveder on the bedding. Bruiser moves on the bed, he can be a bed-hog.The frist night he slept with I rolled out bed on the the floor (lucky I'm sturdy) I did not tell Metta. his black hair get's everwhere--under the covers on my pillows; i don't care. He is Lab - Ausse mix the need to be near you. I have a walk in shower and he somertimes sits right next to my shower bench and gets wet but he is happy. He likes to move around the Califnia King all night and he loves sleeping on a pillow. I spray Lavender for calm sweet dreams for both of us. Every night when I turn the lights off, he come close to get some suggle time. he is a love I rub him in the dark and I feel so happy,He makes me laugh all day and he makes me smile all night. Dogs are 4 legged Angels, God's gift to us. Thank you God.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Buddy was born today 15 yrs ago.

I miss my Buddy, he had a fabulos life to almost 14. He will meet me when I go to heaven. I will never forget him.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Good Friend Phil Kiesewtter

Brusier is a very lucky dog. His good friend Phil spends his week end early am taking his dog Grace and Bruiser to play at the park. the dogs have become great friends.
Bruiser is blessed to enjoy his best freind Grace. The play well together. Phil every week end at 6am comes to my house and picks up Brusier and then they go to Hardy Park to play. One hour later my dog comes home panting with a big smile on his face. Thank you busy man. Who is in the Lyons club and is my handy man part time around the house and garden. We are so gratful.............kisses from my boy and me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Good guy neighbor Dave

Last week had an accident and taking time off to rest and my good friend Dave has been running my pup at the beach and today he drove him to the del mar dog park and of cousre he gets to sit in front seat like a big dog and looking out the window. Brusier met 2 young black poodles they were big puppies. They played for 35 minutes. Thank for my friends who love dogs and me.