Friday, December 11, 2020

Why I Take Bud To Warm Water Therapy

Buddy is a old dog he sometimes starts to lose his footing on walk. Bud is great shape for his age. Buddy has arthrits, from old age like me. He is on the best meds avaialbe. Of course i keep his weight at 74 lbs. Perfect! I walk him slow for about 20 mins on day and the next day we go to the beach. The way we go is 4 or 5 blocks to the beach stairs. The Bud barks for a ball in his then he takes the stairs one step a a time. He goes 2 flight down and 2 flights. Down on the beach he goes for a frizbe toss. not too far just so he can get his workout. I stop him in 15 min and when he climbs the stairs up he rests the he gets a drink of cool water..... he walks home slow but steady. We get home he takes a nap until dinner time. After dinner he wants to play for 10 minutes or so. ..Bud is a special boy. He has swam all his life. Look how good his legs go in the water. He gives me kisses after our towel game. This makes me happy. Swimming will keep his hind legs strong for as long as possible. I do water therapy too. it has kept me going for 73 yr and my Buddy !

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