Friday, December 31, 2021

up date on training Bruiser HAPPY NEW YEAR

My education studies --child and family studies has been great for dog traing. My boy and I are in the " falling in love.'We have lived toghther since Nov. We are still finding out about each other. He is the friejndlist dog I have loved and trained. He knows every thing about every body and used to getting his way because he is so loveable and smart. He has an opioun on many things and we he feels that its time he will tells you his story. He has masterd most all his comands he is smart. He is food motivate. He often acts like a 2 year old pup. When he does't mind me he has his curiosrty to explain why he disbeyed. My job is understand him thinking. I keep the trainig focused on food and praise. He respons well. When train him at the cemtertay he MUST check out the dog park no matter if i am his runs at one point he makes is mind up that the time is right on his ouw and runs so fast I can't stop him. The gate is closed and somtimes he gets to play sometimes no. Today he sprinting and i blew my whistle which means come to me now. If hears it a waits until he is done sniffing our the things that dog he does not get a treat. I went the other way fast on my scotter, he came running fast as he could. What a good boy. I got him a new colar and he was so exicted. He was happy he ran in circles and rubbed against me. I figure he loves the new life as my dog, his old family got the old colar for him. I picked bold orange so I see him in a group of dogs. I aslo got an orange relfex colar if by chance I am delayed in coming home during winter months he will seen by drivers on our way home. He is of course micrio chip
ped and a good Tag with my info of course.....New colar for hte new year

1 comment:

  1. Such a good boy! He is beautiful and lucky to have you!
