Wednesday, February 26, 2020

We Are Old Dogs Now !

I learn from dogs every day, I have watched my Buddy grow old, he is 12. He thinks he is going on 2! I also have aged, humans know this dog don't care. My most important job is to take care of Bud; the next important job is to care of me. Last week we both had our yearly check ups, blood work psychical exams, ears and eyes joints etc, etc.
Bud's blood work is perfect, his weight is perfect. I am obsessed with his weight always have been, people often have told me that he is too skinny. I fact the vet was so please that he is a great weight he hugged me. I put Bud on fatty acids, salmon oil years ago,he gets raw carrots for old dogs they need it for senior dogs. His are worn down from a lab retriever habit of holding sticks and balls in their mouths.
My doctor commented that I am flexible and strong, my weight is good. Swimming for most of my life has been the best fun workout. Water makes me happy. My doctor recommend some supplements so i got them.  I do whatever I can to be around longer for my pups. 
I know that doctors and Vets are angels. I do what they tell me to do. keeping in shape helps your quality of life happy for as long as possible. Bud moves slower up the stairs to my bed but he still makes it.
 Bud looks like a senior dog but does't act like it. I am looking like a senior too most mornings i wake up feeling my age until i get food in me and get focused on happy things--like my beloved Buddy. 
