Thursday, November 22, 2018

My Thanksgiving Day

God blessed me with loving friends and great dogs. Bud has been the best dog ever and I see him aging and slowing down but I also am getting older. Bud still loves to go to the beach every day for his playtime. He used to play for hours and hours --now I time him to 15 minutes of hard play then I blow the whistle and he comes up the stairs. I am so happy he is in my life. Gracie found her God Parents I call them and Gracie loves to be with their pack She has bonded with Molly a female and they are best of friends. Gracie gets more beach time with them than I ever give her. We are spending are day with them. Gracie loves Mark and Jackie and I am grateful for time alone with Bud.
Ever day is a gift from God. Hope you have a beautiful day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving Day

The holiday of Thanksgiving is one of love and sharing God's gifts. I often fall short of being grateful and then I am embarrassed ed by my self -conceitedness. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Buddy Therapy Dog part two

I had to be out of my house for some work to be done. We lived in a large studio apartment with a large sliding door opening to a large patio running the -length  at Casa De Flores for 5 weeks. Our apartment patio we had easy acess for potty time. And we met three  dogs that lived there and we heard them barking when the heard us walking by there apartment I meet a toy poodle  through  a opening of his fencing, he was adorable and another small dog next door to him. We met the third  dog a wire hair Jack Russel outside for potty breaks. The dog used to live on an acreage with his owner know he is living in an apartment which is fine since he love to be with his person.
Bud was very happy to make so many new friends. We did two presentations about service dog. The group loved it. Every one was happy  to see him, from  the nurse and the caregiver and the van driver the maintenance men to the house keepers the kitchen staff, to the people living there. They were all sad when we left to come home. I made so good friends there. I am blessed to be back home.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Bud Is The Best Therapy Dog Ever

I had to stay at Casa De Flores for one month while I has work done in my home. When we moved into an apartment and started walking around Bud was so happy to have all the folks living there adore him. Bud was playful,silly and engaging with ever one. My joy in life is sharing love that dogs are famous for. It is my gift from God and I am so blessed with my pups.
One our first day I was walking with Bud in the building thru many doors of apartments for about 40 minutes I was getting close to the front door when Bud swayed and peed on floor that God it was not carpet. After the mess got cleaned up we went outside with his ball. to play, when we meet Mary. Mary is 95 years and I could not hardly believe
for the way she moved like a woman in her 50's.
Mary played with Bud and as Bud does she started to play tug- a-war with him in the field. I kept telling her please stop I was afraid he would pull her over and that would be awful.
I told myself that's all I need for Bud to be the cause of a broken hip! Every thing turned fine and Mary had such a fun time with Bud. Mary played with Bud often I  we meet Mary's cat. We made friends. |Bud loved every minute of it !

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Gracie Go To Fun Doggy Camp

Last month I had the good fortune to have one of my bathrooms remolded to have a safer shower. The work took one month and I was able to rent an apartment in Casa De Flores in Moro Bay a senor  living.  Bud came with me but my recuse girl could not. My dear friends Mark And Jackie took Gracie for the month, Gracie loves spending time up in Cambria with them. She actually loves being with because gets to run wild on a beach and roll and go have too much fun. to be up there with them for her off leach beach playtime. Gracie has fun with them, sort of like going to a summer camp with no rules I call them her "God Parents. "