Sunday, July 11, 2021

All Good Things Come To An End

My sweet dog crossed over the rainbow bridge June 30. I miss him. Even in his last days he wanted to play and engage with my dear friends who said their last goodbyes. Every morning he still played the game we played his entire life. I got on floor with him and rubbbed his strong chest and then all over and his head. Buddy had a habit of rubbing his body on the bedding and the on me. He made a delightful sound of joy and he barked to play and then kissed me with his wet large tongue. I closed my eyes with pleaure and love. Bud was in great shape for being almost 14. He got up some time but is was getting hard for him. He was losing his eye sight but still was the proud brave dog he always had been. I knew his time was close. My prayers for the timing of his last day was PERFECT! He was ready to go. He was smiling the whole morning. He knew that Mom would take of him. When you love your dog you do the right thing. Buddy never liked going to the vet clinic. My vet came to my house so Buddy could have a peaceful death. Buddy left died on my bed in my arms. It was a joyful moment when the Lion of dog left his old body. Buddy is young again in heaven with Jetta running and digging his giant holes. The lanscape of the beach is changed because of his passion for digging that started when he was a pup. I couldn't run him on the beach so I taught him a game. The digging game. I would say, Buddy dig, dig dig." I can't wait till he greets me with a big sloppy kiss! And he did. What a good Boy!