Monday, January 7, 2019

Ginger Goes To Heaven

I first encountered David and Ginger on the beach.  His dog Ginger was  always in motion never stopped to visit but I could see the love and devotion between them. She was his dog of a lifetime. I meet the couple seven years ago while going to the beach down their street, we stopped to chat the way all dog lovers do and along came walking down the street and man walking with three dogs. One  small  yappy dog and two Blood Hounds a male and female. The dogs always tried to scare Bud by trying to get away from the man to get to Bud. Last time I was in my driveway with Bud and I told the guy to control his dogs and I told him the dogs were not socialized and the dogs should never be left in a tiny back yard all day.
As we were standing in front of their house, the dogs were trying to hurt Bud. Bud can take care of himself but not two at a time. As they came close Ginger charged them and Dave got her back. Ever since the dogs were the best of friends. Ginger always found us sitting on the beach through summer fog and bad weather. She could find us. Bud and Ginger were best friends at play time at our local beach. Ginger jumped high for the Frisbee and Bud ran as fast as he could to catch the ball that Dave threw.
One day  Dave told me that Ginger suffered with Canine Lupus. I did a blog on it. Ginger loved sleeping in the sun. Those days were over. But Dave took great care of her and our dogs got plenty of play time.  Every time I saw Ginger she gave me the soft sweet kiss, She was a Boxer -Pit Mix but Dave said they never told her  about being a pit bull.  Ginger would give Dave "That Look" and he would melt. She trained him well.
The day she died she was with her man and she stumbled a little and fell in to Dave's loving arms, looked at him and died.  When you are given a gift from God like a dog you promise the dog that you will forever take  care of them, Letting go when you don't want to but the dog needs not to suffer. I made a promise to Jetta and Buddy and little Gracie. To be the one to help them go if needed. Somehow Ginger knew that would break David.  She died in his loving arms and looking at him, the look of love.
I never got to say my last goodbye.  It's not good when they go before you are ready for it.  Dave loved her enough to give her what he gave her. She charged around the house and ran so fast at the beach that she ran into big boulders. One time she slipped into a tide pool and Dave saved her. She was built like a tank and was very athletic.  I called  them"The Dave  and Ginger Show".  I miss her terribly!

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