Friday, October 8, 2010

Swim Therapy

Old dogs need extra care to keep strong. With age dogs lose muscle and Jetta was getting weak in her back legs. Swimming with Chris at "Splash" in Morro Bay helps her. Bud swims too. Bud starts crying when we go down her street. Both dogs get excited when we go. After swimming, Jetta acts like a puppy and Bud is really mellow because he swims like a maniac.

1 comment:

  1. Emi loves to go to Splash, too. At eleven years old, she lost the ability to flip her hind foot into the correct position to walk after a major surgery. She has recovered well after swimming with Chris and doing daily prescribed exercises to retrain her nerves and muscles. No she is back to her energetic going-for-walks self after just 8 weeks. And she still loves to swim at Splash to keep her aging muscles and joints in good condition. An exercised healthy dog is a happy dog!
